ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

Karate Cat
13 posters

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:56 pm

    Hi guys. I'm just advising about some Homing Attack code.

    Even if is or not stolen (yes, some people said that the homing attack code that is here is steal from megamix. I will not tell you nothing about that, because I never saw that fucking code), if you release a hack with Homing Attack, then beware with the other hacks, especially from the SSRG.
    Why? Here's the history:

    I helped to someone called Watsonman, on his hack. I added many things for his hack, like sprites, objects, SRAM support and other shit; between these things I added several movements, like the Homing Attack. After some days, Watsonman decided to upload a beta version of his hack to the SSRG's showroom. While the admins was inspectioning, someone in my msn (A friend, I can't say his name) said: "Hey, send me your Homing Attack code. Selbi is requesting this, in the IRC." I said no, and he said this: "Oh please, they in the IRC said that otherwise, they will disassemblie the hack" (If I remember correctly, they are Selbi and/or MarkeyJester). I got angry, and I got on that IRC after a while. Selbi said "Hey trox, show me your homing attack code) and I said: "Yes, otherwise you will disassemble the hack, right?" then, MarkeyJester said "Hey, who leaked that? That is not allowed, look in the IRC's rules.". After that, DeoxysKyogre was defeating me in the IRC, but he got kicked from the IRC channel (Strange huh?). I said: "Hey, why are you thinking that I steal that code?". Selbi said: "Hmm, strange, because we not said that" (Ohhh come on, what are they thinking is fucking obvious). So yeah, I showed my code, and Selbi said that my code is fucking steal from Sonic Megamix, while I have not fucking stole nothing! Also Markey said: "Ohh come on Trox, you can't do a code like that, because you are a fucking n00b".
    Almost 1 week later I got exiled from SSRG.

    Do you see?

    Well, if someone knows how is the Megamix's code, then he may compare that code with the one in my source code (I removed that function in my hack, but I don't know if there's still some leftovers).

    And yes, why the hell Markey affirms that I'm n00b and I can't do decent stuff? why the hell they on IRC was about to disassemble the hack? So, What the hell has they against me?
    Think this: They was about to disassemble our hack. But, what may happen if they are about to disassemble a hack, like Sonic Megamix? of course, something huge will happen...
    Also, look at the last version of Sonic Erazor hack. The motobug and the palmtree's art is like how are in S1 Harder Levels. So, why the hell they just fuck me?

    I think that they are fucking coward. Of course, they may fuck me because I'm in a minor range. But, they can't do things with hacks like Sonic Megamix; why? because they're coward and fucking spiteful.

    Conclusion: Beware with your contents in your hacks, or instead of doing that contents do a screen like this (Content locked because some took this before. Sorry the inconvenience)

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post

    Karate Cat
    Karate Cat

    Mensagens : 83
    Data de inscrição : 2011-04-22

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Karate Cat Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:10 pm

    Your from SSRG, everyone posts rude comments in your profile. Neutral

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:11 pm

    Yes, I know.
    Seriously, what the hell has they against me?
    Yes, also, the rude comments started after I get exiled. SSRG is a fucking coward's group.
    I also know how the admins modified my signature.

    Hey, may you show me at least some of the comments? Thanks.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 55
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-16

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  calebjhuhlu Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:13 pm

    Wow. I Dont believe that the code here is stolen because He goes on and explains how it works, and i dont think someone who stole the code would know the physics of it so well. Anyways, i read this, and i will be careful with the homing attack. I might remove it.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:16 pm

    Well, in the OuricoDoido's tutorial this said how works, shows diagrams, and arithmetic calculations, that tries to make you understand how works.
    If OuricoDoido knows that, then the copy/paste code from Sonic Megamix is true?
    It's strange.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 55
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-16

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  calebjhuhlu Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:31 pm

    you know, i think i might delete my account on there now. If thats how they are gonna act, Why should i support them?

    CoolSpot. likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:36 pm


    Mensagens : 55
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-16

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  calebjhuhlu Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:43 pm

    how do you delete an account?

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:47 pm

    XD I don't know. And yes, I wanna delete my account too.

    Mensagens : 46
    Data de inscrição : 2011-05-29

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  FRKPO Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:08 pm


    Mensagens : 8
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-30

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  notatheif Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:18 am

    OK ladies and gents, here is the lowdown.

    1. TROX, you're an idiot. The Homing Attack code is nearly word for word copied from the megamix source, End of discussion. I've seen the source cause a friend of mine was pissed at you guys releasing the source of his hack. It so happened he had the source for it, because Tweaker GAVE it to him, he didn't steal it from him.

    2. TROX, You wanna know why the Admins at SSRG banned your ass so fast? Once again, you are a dumbass. You completely fucked up and released a hack with a perfectly working Homing Attack. Nobody has ever made a perfectly working Homing attack by themselves. Even the guys who made megamix. That shit was a team effort, not something one person was able to do perfectly. I know for a fact if you were ANY good at asm, you would have created something new instead of just putting Homing attack. SO ORIGINAL You would be a techie at retro, but you're not. Stop acting like your the best asm coder out there.

    3. This one goes to you calebjhuhlu. You seem like a cool person. Not going to lie, you seem smarter than that to fall for some shit like this. "Ugh, ssrg is a bad place cause trox said so." If you've actually talked to some of the people there, you'll quickly realize the only time people are dicks on there is when....
    a. you piss them off to the extent it bothers forum activity.(Trox)
    b. You steal shit.
    b. You steal shit. Then try to pass it off as your own
    c. You so happen to be HCKTROX. (you had to be there to get this one)
    Otherwise, most people on there are nice. If you haven't even gone through half the topics, you'll quickly see that most people on there are decent, and the admins ban those who do the listed above. I'm not going to sit here and attempt to change your mind, but talk to some other people. Try FilipinoWaylon26, MarkeyJester, theocas, Sonic Boom, Lips2k8, GenesisFan64, ect. These guys are pretty cool. This is just a short list, but, it is just an example of what on trying to say. Leaving SSRG cause they're supposedly "mean" to one(trox) person is ridiculous. Instead, you should ask "Why are they being mean to just you? I'm here just to defend my buds at ssrg. Also, on that side note. You can't "delete" your account on SSRG. Either you leave it be, or you get banned. Either way, it doesn't work like that. Very Happy

    4. Why am I here? To stand up for my buds at SSRG. When somebody goes off and says EVERYBODY at SSRG is a dick, that pisses me off. What are you, 5? Get the fuck over it. If they're being mean to you, it is probably for good reaso. Go on TROX, OuricoDoido, ban me. I just want to let you guys know that pointing fingers at the site that kicked you off is stupid and childish. You got kicked cause you either stole, or used stolen code, tried to pass it off as your own, and when called upon it, you failed to prove it was your own, b/c it wasn't. And btw, if you're wondering who this is, This is FilipinoWaylon26. I sometimes come on here to make sure my disassembly isn't being hosted through here without my permission. Also, b/c one of my friends disam's was leaked here, so I check on it for him. Now you know. Have fun banning me. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    Also, calebjhuhlu, your call. I just want to ask you, pm me on ssrg, and I can prove to you all this said "evil" going on at SSRG was in fact warrented. Well have a nice night.


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:39 am

    notatheif wrote:You completely fucked up and released a hack with a perfectly working Homing Attack. Nobody has ever made a perfectly working Homing attack by themselves. Even the guys who made megamix. That shit was a team effort, not something one person was able to do perfectly. I know for a fact if you were ANY good at asm, you would have created something new instead of just putting Homing attack.

    Very clear, so, what you may tell about S1 Brother Trouble? wasn't a solo project?

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:40 am

    And, where I said that everybody from ssrg is a dick? Tell me where. Thanks.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:42 am

    I'm not a fucking thief. I can do code by myself, but if everybody thinks that I'm noob at ASM, then is not my fucking problem.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 40
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-30
    Current Project : The Gamer's Smorgas-Board

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  SuperSonicX Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:43 am

    Trox wrote:And, where I said that everybody from ssrg is a dick? Tell me where. Thanks.
    Yeah, I kinda agree though, I asked Selbi for his peel out code and he said "Not until I can trust you I will give you the code".
    I also sent 3 pm's wanting his other codes and I didn't get a reply yet.

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:47 am

    Ehhh and also, before that fuck in the IRC, I was with no access to the Sonic Megamix's code. My only way to steal that code was disassembling a compiled Megamix ROM. But, how the hell I can do this? I don't fucking know.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:59 am

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 7
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-31

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Selbi Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:07 pm

    You were banned for repetetive immature behaviour, not for that single Homing Attack thing (which was serious business though). The last thing you did before you got banned, was publically flaming a person on the entire forum:

    HCKTROX, on Thursday 23rd June 2011, 11:37 pm, wrote:You are an idiot, stupid bastard!
    Crying about being banned and frustratingly looking for an excuse, that is completely unrelated, makes you look like a fool. And not only that, most of the points you said in your post are downright lies, most likely to push you into the bright light and trying to make the others like the bad guys (if you want me to correct everything). You should feel ashamed, posting a rant, that is filled with the opposite of what actually happened.

    On the SSRG forums the staff team gave you 7 (SEVEN!) second chances; each time you fucked up again. You didn't use any chance, you just went back to your bad habits and did it all over again. After the final flaming, I talked about above, the staff team realized, that there is no point in giving you an eighth chance, so we finally banned you. We never looked back.

    Mensagens : 7
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-31

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Selbi Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:12 pm

    No edit button? Damn this forum sucks.

    What I wanted to add, the Homing Attack is from the so called "Open Source Project", which is also featured on this forum. About a year ago, when it was just posted to the forum on the SSRG, I informed Tweaker about the HA being excactly the same as the Megamix' one. To show him the proof, I had a file called HomingAttack_OpenSource.asm on my FTP server, and forgot to make it private.

    The "OpenSource" was only to indicate that it was from the open source project, not that the file itself is free to use for anyone. You even told me once that you used this homing attack, so I really don't understand why you are still bitching about it.

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:37 pm

    Selbi wrote:You were banned for repetetive immature behaviour, not for that single Homing Attack thing (which was serious business though). The last thing you did before you got banned, was publically flaming a person on the entire forum:

    HCKTROX, on Thursday 23rd June 2011, 11:37 pm, wrote:You are an idiot, stupid bastard!

    Okay. Where the hell I said that? I don't remember that I was telling that, and I also never use words like "bastard". Come on, see all my posts, I never say bastard.

    Also, dandaman said that after I got exiled, during my ban, that's strange, or not?

    So, about that last, I think 2 things:
    1 Dandaman just want piss me off.
    2 Someone used my nickname somewhere to fuck me.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:44 pm

    Also, why a fucking huge scandal about a code? That's just a movement, and we just make games. Are just games!

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 5
    Data de inscrição : 2011-09-27

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Dandaman955 Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:44 pm

    HCKTROX, on Thursday 23rd June 2011, 11:37 pm, wrote:
    Okay. Where the hell I said that? I don't remember that I was telling that, and I also never use words like "bastard". Come on, see all my posts, I never say bastard.

    Liar. That was one of your last posts, one of them being directed at me. I would post links, but I'm not allowed on this site.

    Also, dandaman said that after I got exiled, during my ban, that's strange, or not?


    So, about that last, I think 2 things:
    1 Dandaman just want piss me off.

    Why oh why would I want to piss you off? I never held a grudge against you. Yet, in your common courtesy, decided to make TWO threads calling me a thief, and one of them elaborating on how I am the dregs of SSRG and how I am an 'idiot, stupid bastard', and for what? The hack in question had its ground controls reversed! How very nice of you, and you wonder why you were banned? It WASN'T due to stolen material, it WAS due to the fact you had a tendency to treat members like shit, and the staff got sick of giving you chances. That's why you were banned.

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:22 pm

    Dandaman955 wrote:
    HCKTROX, on Thursday 23rd June 2011, 11:37 pm, wrote:
    Okay. Where the hell I said that? I don't remember that I was telling that, and I also never use words like "bastard". Come on, see all my posts, I never say bastard.

    Liar. That was one of your last posts, one of them being directed at me. I would post links, but I'm not allowed on this site.

    lol wut?

    I never fucking told that!!!
    I must admit, on SSRG sometimes I fucked someone, but not that hard. Also, you remember when Qjimbo was warning about a password system hack, on the forum system? I never changed my password after that, so, what if someone entered to my account?.
    As you told, you probably have not anything against me, but many others, yes, and I'm sure of that.

    But ok, even if I told something to you or not, and if you got offended by that, then, I apologise, because I have not anything against you. But, if it's just a result of a account violation or something, then it's not my problem, so I may tell something to the SSRG; I'm not asking for back, I just wanna clear the things.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Trox Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:33 pm

    And about the Homing Attack, seriously, do you know geometry, and asm? you just need to know these things well, to make a homing attack.

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 7
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-31

    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

    Post  Selbi Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:36 am

    You keep returning to your bad habbit of speaking about completely unrelated bullshit, which is why this is going to be my very last post.

    Trox wrote:I must admit, on SSRG sometimes I fucked someone, but not that hard.
    There is you major problem, the so called "fucking" against other people on SSRG. It doesn't matter if the "fucking" was hard or not; fact is, that you did it, over 5 times to be more specific.

    And so you finally get the homing attack thing out of your head:
    You were NOT banned for stealing the homing attack, you were banned for repetitive immature and offensive behavior against other users, such as Dandaman.

    Also, if you still don't think you said anything against Dandaman that, look at this picture. I think it speaks for itself.

    As for the account hacking thing, well, that really isn't any of our business. We warned you and told you to change your password. If you didn't do that, that really isn't any of our fault and you had to feel the consequences.

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    Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me) Empty Re: Please, beware with ANY Homing Attack code. (Also, presenting me)

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