Before I want to see proves, and after talk. Because this, I not defend me of nothing, if not exist proves, not exist accusation, and I not need defend myself.
And when you say:
You talking that all members stolen and all members like to stolen things.This site is about stolen contents
If you want accuse someone, acusse this people, and not the forum or the site; and where you find stolen contents here in this forum (asmtosegagenesis)? if you found, why not said?
-First, if this is a indirect for me, first prove that I stoled; I known that i not stoled nothing.
-Second, if someone want accuse STHOSP by using Sega content, then all other rom hacks need to be accused too, if is a rule for one, is a rule for all.
In this site called RetroHack that German15 showed the link (, a people say:
Where in the internet he find a manifest created by me, saing that all need be open source?OuricoDoido started all
I know if this happen, will be good for all comunity, but where and when i started all? releasing STHOSP in SSRG?
And again, vladikcomper said: (Google Translate - Russian to English)
Where is the prove of that? in that post from SSRG, of iojnekns? point is not that "everyone did everything himself," but the fact that the Community did not develop theft and not to spread the source code of abilities, against the wishes of their authors (OuricoDoido stole the code from the megamix and laid him in a share against the will of Team Megamix .)
This ironing is delicious. Very tasty.
It has come to my attention, from several sources I would consider reliable, that this "open source project" contains code lifted from Sonic Megamix, which as we all know, suffered from a leak in source code relatively recently - a great shame for those involved who worked so hard to create something good, only to have it thrown into their face. To open source your own work, is perfectly acceptable - regardless of anyones feelings on the pros and cons of open source, you may do as you wish with your own work. Masquerading someone elses work as your own, and then open sourcing that... Totally unacceptable.
If you feel you want to protest your innocence and think you have some means of providing hard evidence that what I have described has not occured, feel free to argue your case in the banned forum. However, having read your rhetoric about "re-inventing the wheel" in the opening paragraph and now learning this information - lets just say it definitely adds up.
When he said:
Where is that sources? why not showed in the topic?from several sources I would consider reliable
And othe interesting thing, why Tweaker not said nothing about "STHOSP stoled contents" in this SSRG topic, he not downloaded and tested the ROM?
How can a people that not is from Megamix Team say something like:
if Tweaker (the Megamix leader, that need know all what is added in Megamix) was active in this topic answering and posting, why not said nothing?from several sources I would consider reliable
I not understand why all this because the homing attack.
-make a homing attack using Game Genie (never showed before)
-make a tutorial step by step, each detail, many possibilities to do the Sonic go in the object (like using SquareRoot); never explained by anyone from Megamix.
If this not prove that i don't stoled homing attack; what more i need to make?