ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

Squidward Tentacles
Green Snake
18 posters

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content


    Mensagens : 46
    Data de inscrição : 2011-01-09
    Current Project : Sonic Open Source Project

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  OuricoDoido Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:52 pm

    I am being accused of stealing content from Sonic Megamix, many peoples talking about that, some forums banning me by that. All these things are happening, and only a small number of peoples see that I am being accused without any prove. Say is easy, but prove is hard.

    Before I want to see proves, and after talk. Because this, I not defend me of nothing, if not exist proves, not exist accusation, and I not need defend myself.

    And when you say:
    This site is about stolen contents
    You talking that all members stolen and all members like to stolen things.
    If you want accuse someone, acusse this people, and not the forum or the site; and where you find stolen contents here in this forum (asmtosegagenesis)? if you found, why not said?
    -First, if this is a indirect for me, first prove that I stoled; I known that i not stoled nothing.
    -Second, if someone want accuse STHOSP by using Sega content, then all other rom hacks need to be accused too, if is a rule for one, is a rule for all.

    In this site called RetroHack that German15 showed the link (, a people say:
    OuricoDoido started all
    Where in the internet he find a manifest created by me, saing that all need be open source?
    I know if this happen, will be good for all comunity, but where and when i started all? releasing STHOSP in SSRG?

    And again, vladikcomper said: (Google Translate - Russian to English)
    The point is not that "everyone did everything himself," but the fact that the Community did not develop theft and not to spread the source code of abilities, against the wishes of their authors (OuricoDoido stole the code from the megamix and laid him in a share against the will of Team Megamix .)
    Where is the prove of that? in that post from SSRG, of iojnekns?
    This ironing is delicious. Very tasty.
    It has come to my attention, from several sources I would consider reliable, that this "open source project" contains code lifted from Sonic Megamix, which as we all know, suffered from a leak in source code relatively recently - a great shame for those involved who worked so hard to create something good, only to have it thrown into their face. To open source your own work, is perfectly acceptable - regardless of anyones feelings on the pros and cons of open source, you may do as you wish with your own work. Masquerading someone elses work as your own, and then open sourcing that... Totally unacceptable.
    If you feel you want to protest your innocence and think you have some means of providing hard evidence that what I have described has not occured, feel free to argue your case in the banned forum. However, having read your rhetoric about "re-inventing the wheel" in the opening paragraph and now learning this information - lets just say it definitely adds up.

    When he said:
    from several sources I would consider reliable
    Where is that sources? why not showed in the topic?

    And othe interesting thing, why Tweaker not said nothing about "STHOSP stoled contents" in this SSRG topic, he not downloaded and tested the ROM?
    How can a people that not is from Megamix Team say something like:
    from several sources I would consider reliable
    if Tweaker (the Megamix leader, that need know all what is added in Megamix) was active in this topic answering and posting, why not said nothing?

    I not understand why all this because the homing attack.
    -make a homing attack using Game Genie (never showed before)
    -make a tutorial step by step, each detail, many possibilities to do the Sonic go in the object (like using SquareRoot); never explained by anyone from Megamix.

    If this not prove that i don't stoled homing attack; what more i need to make?

    Mensagens : 14
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-25

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  pes2011 Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:36 pm

    mira... OuricoDoido ....!

    En SSRG y otros foros no te van a expulsar sin ningun motivo.... algo hiciste Exclamation

    aparte solo pedimos que nos expulses a todos!

    Mensagens : 51
    Data de inscrição : 2011-05-29
    Localização : Argentina
    Current Project : Sonic the Hedgehog MegaRetro

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  German15 Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:04 pm

    nadie quiere estar aca sabiendo que es robado no lo entendes?! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Trox Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:13 pm

    For last and fucking time, see my story. Here
    Like how happened to me, the OuricoDoido's acussations may be false too!

    Mensagens : 3
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-14

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  vladikcomper Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:44 am

    OuricoDoido, let's try to make this entangled story clear.

    Why do many people consider you as a thief without proper proofs? Basically, because the most of SSRG and Sonic Retro members trust its community, its respected members and administration. I myself find these people more than intelligent and wise, and personally, I see no reason not to trust them.

    And so, it happened that iojnekns wrote the post mentioned above, declaring you as a thief. Tweaker and other members were friendly discussing the idea of your project just before, nothing against you. After iojnekns's post Tweaker didn't leave comment on the situation, which you found strange. So it comes that either he is evil, and doesn't care about somebody being unfairly accused, or he confirmed the steal afterwards and just didn't want to make a pointless post (it would make sense if only he was going to disprove it). What do you think is the more possible variant?

    Either way, even the SSRG administration found this information and sources reliable. The whole community doesn't need detailed proofs for everything, they have their reasons to trust its administration and Team Megamix.

    Anyways, due to few Russian guys shouting that it all was the big lie and starting their wars on the forums, I decided to check this code thing myself to definitely confirm which side is right. I binary compared the first block of Homing attack code taken from your STHOSP 0.7 to the one in Sonic Megamix 3 ROM. You know, they're almost the same. The same instructions, the same code logic, just few replacements here and there. Either it's a very rare coincidence (about one to million) or you really stole the Megamix's code or at least few parts of it.

    For ones who believe in a coincidence and don't believe in SSRG/Sonic Retro community, let me tell my own story, which was connected with Homing attack as well.

    When I released my first hack back in June of 2009, it contained some stolen content, 2 songs ripped from SoniNeko to be exact. You may wonder, why I did that? The answer is simple: I thought nineko's hack uses the songs ripped from other games as well in their original form, I didn't even think the music could be composed by himself. I wasn't familiar with communities, intellectual property then, so found it a good opportunity to practice in ROM-hacking. The hack was released on Russian forums, but the next day one of Sonic Retro members somehow found its video on Youtube, another member immediately created the topic about my hack with stolen songs. From their words and reaction I quickly comprehended how bad my act was, I showed myself disrespectful to Nineko and his work. I so wanted to apologize, but was a pending member on Retro. I wrote a comment to my video, apologizing to Nineko. And you know, the community forgive me. Sonic Retro administrators even gave me a chance by promoting me into Trial Member group, I'm so thankful to them.

    Time passed, and even more interesting occasion happened.
    By fall 2009, I had progressed in ASM greatly and even managed to create my own Homing Attack code. I was working hard on it, learning how game engine works, looking for the ways to program it properly. It was completely mine, I didn't even remotely look for any hints or sources. I posted my new video on Retro, featuring Homing attack and few neat things. This video seemed impressive, so I even was suggested for Tech Member. Some techies didn't trust me because of that steal incident, saying the Homing Attack could be stolen from Sonic Megamix. And you know what? Tweaker himself confirmed that nothing was stolen. He was right, wasn't he?

    This occasions make me really trust and respect the community. Can it be wrong in your case?

    This is how I see the situation:
    If you are not guilty up to anything, you haven't ever stolen anything, I believe you can prove it easily. Just calm down, show yourself sincere and trustworthy. Talk with Team Megamix about your code, besides forums, there are many ways to contact them.
    If this the code was made by you, but it still has few parts stolen, please don't oppose. Just confirm about the parts stolen, this will make things better.

    I see you're smart guy, you have good ASM knowledge, you know how things work, you did some impressive stuff (assuming it's completely yours). But I'm afraid the fact you have impressive and well-explained guidelines doesn't prove that you haven't stolen anything. Sorry, but it's true.

    Mensagens : 40
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-30
    Current Project : The Gamer's Smorgas-Board

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  SuperSonicX Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:52 am

    MegaMix also has one of the most complex disassemblies, thus making it almost impossible to copy code. The sonic1.asm for megamix is 54,000 lines of code, but none of it involves the character moves and stuff. It also has 30,000 lines of extra coding in other files (Which contains character moves).

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:55 am

    Okay, want to know? okay vladik, I will tell.

    See what happened with my Homming attack code. The fucking thurth, is that I just copied an object table to my code, but the rest was done by myself. That object table was copied from a source code that I'm working on, in a team, when I'm some of the programmers, and also, if I was copying that code from that disasm, I must tell, you probably was getting a very unstable and probably ilogic code. But, after that, I replaced that object table with a code that checks the byte $20 in the objects processed in the RAM; that's a better procedimment, right?

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:56 am

    So yeah, that's the only fucking thing that I steal for my whole pruposes, but I've replaced by other code by my own predisposition.

    Mensagens : 70
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-20
    Current Project : Sonic Alphaomega, Sonic XD

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Trox Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:57 am

    Oh and also, do you think that I'm talking here because I want defeat the leaked codes webpage? No. They have my souce code too.

    Mensagens : 3
    Data de inscrição : 2011-07-14

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  vladikcomper Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:02 pm

    SuperSonicX wrote:MegaMix also has one of the most complex disassemblies, thus making it almost impossible to copy code. The sonic1.asm for megamix is 54,000 lines of code, but none of it involves the character moves and stuff. It also has 30,000 lines of extra coding in other files (Which contains character moves).
    Impossible to copy code? That's nonsense. I haven't seen its leaked source code, but if it's somehow complex, like you say, it just makes it harder to find, not impossible to get.

    Mensagens : 40
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-30
    Current Project : The Gamer's Smorgas-Board

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  SuperSonicX Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:13 pm

    vladikcomper wrote:
    SuperSonicX wrote:MegaMix also has one of the most complex disassemblies, thus making it almost impossible to copy code. The sonic1.asm for megamix is 54,000 lines of code, but none of it involves the character moves and stuff. It also has 30,000 lines of extra coding in other files (Which contains character moves).
    Impossible to copy code? That's nonsense. I haven't seen its leaked source code, but if it's somehow complex, like you say, it just makes it harder to find, not impossible to get.
    I found the Source, and also I said "nearly impossible" but if anybody knows how. they can easily.

    Mensagens : 1974
    Data de inscrição : 2013-05-06
    Localização : 41.383863, 108.866009
    Current Project : Breathing nitrogen

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  hacker___ Tue May 14, 2013 4:40 pm

    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Green Snake Sun May 19, 2013 11:58 am

    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
    Data de inscrição : 2013-09-17
    Localização : Undisclosed.
    Current Project : All is within.

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:15 pm

    N0o OnE CaReS!1!1!1f ghgzs bounce bounce bounce bounce 

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  SonicVaan Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:03 pm

    Lol, had to terminate flash to get in here.

    Mensagens : 2171
    Data de inscrição : 2013-11-26
    Current Project : who cares

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Electroball_ Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:04 pm

    GS is awesome for posting that flash thing.
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Green Snake Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:44 pm

    Oh nose :○<

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  SonicVaan Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:15 am

    Electroball_ wrote:GS is awesome for posting that flash thing.

    Why? It's annoying. o.o

    Squidward Tenticals likes this post


    Mensagens : 2171
    Data de inscrição : 2013-11-26
    Current Project : who cares

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Electroball_ Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:28 am

    Because you can't see first page which has all of teh code stealzors fake stuffs n shit
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Green Snake Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:21 pm

    But it haz no code? Surprised

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  SonicVaan Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:32 am

    Green Snake wrote:But it haz no code? Surprised


    Mensagens : 2171
    Data de inscrição : 2013-11-26
    Current Project : who cares

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Electroball_ Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:15 am

    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
    Data de inscrição : 2013-09-17
    Localização : Undisclosed.
    Current Project : All is within.

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:02 pm

    Picture frame
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Green Snake Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:32 pm

    Squidward Tentacles wrote:Picture frame
    its called hugeass youtube videos.
    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
    Data de inscrição : 2013-09-17
    Localização : Undisclosed.
    Current Project : All is within.

    About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content Empty Re: About the Supposed Source Code with Stolen Content

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:09 pm

    Green Snake wrote:
    Squidward Tentacles wrote:Picture frame
    its called hugeass youtube videos.
    really? wat  affraid affraid affraid affraid 

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