ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

2 posters

    The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer


    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer Empty The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer

    Post  Jdpense Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:49 pm


    *31 LEFT.

    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer Empty Re: The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer

    Post  Jdpense Mon Feb 14, 2022 6:21 pm

    And to this day, I still stand by this statement

    *3 LEFT.
    No one
    No one

    Mensagens : 910
    Data de inscrição : 2015-06-23

    The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer Empty Re: The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer

    Post  No one Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:10 pm

    elitism was the best thing since slice bread
    cyclops cyclops cyclops cyclops

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    The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer Empty Re: The Sonic Hacking/Fangame fandom is a form of cancer

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      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 3:18 am