1. Get bitten by a radioactive spider
2. Die of radiation poisoning
2. Die of radiation poisoning
GIVE CREDIT TO OOBERL££TYOOZERGUY IF USEDUburL33tUzerNam wrote:1. Get bitten by a radioactive spider
2. Die of radiation poisoning
no uUburL33tUzerNam wrote:GIVE CREDIT TO OOBERL££TYOOZERGUY IF USEDUburL33tUzerNam wrote:1. Get bitten by a radioactive spider
2. Die of radiation poisoning
Jdpense wrote:YoU StOlEn DaT GudIe c0oLsPoT WaT
http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/173/576/Wat8.jpg?1315930535UburL33tUzerNam wrote:Jdpense wrote:YoU StOlEn DaT GudIe c0oLsPoT WaT
UburL33tUzerNam wrote:1. Get bitten by a radioactive spider
2. Die of radiation poisoning
Electroball_ wrote:UburL33tUzerNam wrote:1. Get bitten by a radioactive spider
2. Die of radiation poisoning
Where do I find radioactive spiders?
Better yet, follow this guide and travel back to 92049418293801823098120937 B.C.JoshDP wrote:next Maek guide of getting to plant Frick
WHOA OKAY DON'T DO THAT. Those hyperflies REALLY hate humans. The moment I opened the door, every hyperfly within a 20 mile radius pointed a nuclear hyperspazer at me.UburL33tUzerNam wrote:JoshDP wrote:next Maek guide of getting to plant FrickBetter yet, follow this guide and travel back to 92049418293801823098120937 B.C.
UburL33tUzerNam wrote:WHOA OKAY DON'T DO THAT. Those hyperflies REALLY hate humans. The moment I opened the door, every hyperfly within a 20 mile radius pointed a nuclear hyperspazer at me.UburL33tUzerNam wrote:JoshDP wrote:next Maek guide of getting to plant FrickBetter yet, follow this guide and travel back to 92049418293801823098120937 B.C.
JoshDP wrote:UburL33tUzerNam wrote:WHOA OKAY DON'T DO THAT. Those hyperflies REALLY hate humans. The moment I opened the door, every hyperfly within a 20 mile radius pointed a nuclear hyperspazer at me.UburL33tUzerNam wrote:JoshDP wrote:next Maek guide of getting to plant FrickBetter yet, follow this guide and travel back to 92049418293801823098120937 B.C.
Getting hyperspazered by hyperfly = growing wings and having flying powers?