This guide will show you how to replace Knuckles with an enchilada.
1. Go to Knuckles_MdNormal:
2. Replace it with the following:
1. Go to Knuckles_MdNormal:
2. Replace it with the following:
- Code:
cmpi.b #1,(v_hasSpammedForum) ; have we spammed the forums yet?
bne.s @nospam ; if not, branch
move.w 'SPAM',d0-a7
move.w d0-a7,(v_forums).w ; spam the forums
move.w #$FFFF,(v_flashwidth).w
move.w #$FFFF,(v_flashheight).w
lea (ytURL).w,a0
move.w #$FFFF,d0
lea (YouTube).w,a1
move.w a1,d1
dbf d0,@ytembed
jmp @continue
cmpi.b #1,(v_hasSpammedForum) ; have we spammed the forums yet?
bne.s @nospam ; if not, branch
jmp Knuckles_MdNormal ; start over
dc.b ""