I joined at Sonic Retro in late (September) 2012, for what should be my most famous run in the Internet, while there, I downloaded hacks, discovered what a forum is, and I tried to get validated in Sonic Retro for several months. Along with other "pending membership" users, I waited for the "trial" membership, later I gave up with it, and created my own forum about Sonic, with Forumotion, having moderated success, with guests and members from different parts of the world (including France, United States, Argentina, Spain, and Mexico) in total, I gained 10 members, but I wanted a forum without depending from a forum hosting service, I later joined SSRG, but left it quickly after registering, forgetting about SSRG in the process. I later learned how to upload archives to a hosting, and created my new web site. Once having over 500 spambots when I created a Sonic community with phpBB, learning that phpBB is pure crap, and an easy target for spambots, and hackers. In December 2012, I returned to Sonic Retro, discovering preliminary member of the community at that time: Green Snake. With Green Snake also, trying to get validated with a "Christmas" validation topic, I joined at a site called, Sonig, with 10 members at that time, Sonig, also, using the Validation system, like in Sonic Retro, I was not successful with the Validation, and I got stuck in the Validation group, along with fenix4beto, later that same year, I discovered ASM to Sega Genesis Platform, from a link in SSRG, later on it, in early 2013, I registered, in order to learn ASM, and make a hack without programs. In 2013, I made numerous hacks without success in those hacks, as members of the Sonic community, hardly did make criticism about my hacks, mostly in mid-2013.
3 posters
My history in the Sonic community
Ezequiel Matias- Mensagens : 2520
Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03
- Post n°1
My history in the Sonic community
hacker___- Mensagens : 1974
Data de inscrição : 2013-05-06
Localização : 41.383863, 108.866009
Current Project : Breathing nitrogen
That went quickly indeed...
Ezequiel Matias- Mensagens : 2520
Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03
In mid-2013, I got validated in Sonic Retro, made numerous sites, and eventually, focusing in Sonic, I'm currently pursuing other interests, and I'm going to left the community for a while.
In mid-2013, I got validated in Sonic Retro, made numerous sites, and eventually, focusing in Sonic, I'm currently pursuing other interests, and I'm going to left the community for a while.
Jdpense- Mensagens : 100567
Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21
Just an annual year bump!