ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

Green Snake
Ezequiel Matias
8 posters

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?


    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  SonicVaan Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:10 pm

    I'm sure you know the most famous Sonic ROM hacking communities; SSRG and Sonic Retro. There's is no perfect community. Ever. Not even SGD. Every community has their flaws; some noticable, some not.

    However, in both of these communities, there are huge noticable flaws. Now, let me allow to disassemble my thoughts of both of these communities and put them in quotes to make them easier to read:

    SSRG: Everybody knows about this one. Especially it's one of the last resorts for people to come to who haven't been validated on Sonic Retro, to which I will come later. However, let's talk about the administration and staff...

    Spanner and redhotsonic, both do their job very well. Though Spanner always searches for excuses in people's past. For example, Green Snake has improved in many ways. Spanner's excuse for Green Snake to still not come back to SSRG, was because ThomasSpeedrunner is registered on SGD. Seriously, what? What shitty excuse is this? Not that Green Snake cares that much about SSRG, but still personally it bothers me a bit.

    Ayla... What does she even do in the staff group? She barely comes online and barely does anything. It's not that I don't like her. Infact, I like her very much, but she doesn't contribute anything to the administrative part on SSRG.

    OrdosAlpha... the icing on the cake and the owner (and creator?) of SSRG. I don't know much about him, but from what I've seen it's enough for me. He barely posts on SSRG, except when someone breaks a rule. Then he comes out of the hole and bashes him hard, even threatening to ban the person.

    nineko is a pretty cool guy. I like him and he does his job very well.

    That said, let's move on with the discussion. Around 2008-2010 the forums were very active. People were having happy fun times together there, the staff was much better, etc you get the idea. It was the time when a lot of people were motivated making hacks.
    Nowadays there are barely people making hacks. And if someone releases the hack, it will be that way (also applies to Retro):

    Beginner hack: If a beginner releases his hack, a lot of people post in his thread bash him how shitty and noobish he is and how much his hack sucks. There were even some cases I've seen that people posted that he should stop and give up with hacking. No wonder why there are barely new hacks nowadays.....

    Decent hack: If the average hacker releases something, the thread usually gets up to 3-8 replies and then nothing anymore. If people have known about it and/or have seen videos of it, it most likely gets no reply. Same thing if there's a new release of the hack.

    Famous hack: People asskiss that person and tell him how awesome he and his hack are. 'nuff said.

    Sonic Retro: I don't know much to write about this one, since I'm only lurking there sometimes despite being a member. Some of the SSRG stuff I wrote above applies to this once too. There's just too much serious discussion and everything is too tense in my opinion.

    So, feel free to leave your opinions about these two or the community in here...

    Jdpense likes this post


    Mensagens : 177
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-31

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  ThomasSpeedrunner Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:15 pm

    I agree with the SSRG part. And seriously, what the hell is the excuse for my case?

    Nah, I kid. I know I've got to work on my anger issues and such.

    Anywho, I agree with the part about Ordos. Also, one thing I've noticed (with Lazlo and Tristan's help of course) is that RHS is like an attention vulture, if you know what I mean.

    Jdpense likes this post

    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:21 pm

    SonicVaan wrote:I'm sure you know the most famous Sonic ROM hacking communities; SSRG and Sonic Retro. There's is no perfect community. Ever. Not even SGD. Every community has their flaws; some noticable, some not.

    However, in both of these communities, there are huge noticable flaws. Now, let me allow to disassemble my thoughts of both of these communities and put them in quotes to make them easier to read:

    SSRG: Everybody knows about this one. Especially it's one of the last resorts for people to come to who haven't been validated on Sonic Retro, to which I will come later. However, let's talk about the administration and staff...

    Spanner and redhotsonic, both do their job very well. Though Spanner always searches for excuses in people's past. For example, Green Snake has improved in many ways. Spanner's excuse for Green Snake to still not come back to SSRG, was because ThomasSpeedrunner is registered on SGD. Seriously, what? What shitty excuse is this? Not that Green Snake cares that much about SSRG, but still personally it bothers me a bit.

    Ayla... What does she even do in the staff group? She barely comes online and barely does anything. It's not that I don't like her. Infact, I like her very much, but she doesn't contribute anything to the administrative part on SSRG.

    OrdosAlpha... the icing on the cake and the owner (and creator?) of SSRG. I don't know much about him, but from what I've seen it's enough for me. He barely posts on SSRG, except when someone breaks a rule. Then he comes out of the hole and bashes him hard, even threatening to ban the person.

    nineko is a pretty cool guy. I like him and he does his job very well.
    That said, let's move on with the discussion. Around 2008-2010 the forums were very active. People were having happy fun times together there, the staff was much better, etc you get the idea. It was the time when a lot of people were motivated making hacks.
    Nowadays there are barely people making hacks. And if someone releases the hack, it will be that way (also applies to Retro):

    Beginner hack: If a beginner releases his hack, a lot of people post in his thread bash him how shitty and noobish he is and how much his hack sucks. There were even some cases I've seen that people posted that he should stop and give up with hacking. No wonder why there are barely new hacks nowadays.....

    Decent hack: If the average hacker releases something, the thread usually gets up to 3-8 replies and then nothing anymore. If people have known about it and/or have seen videos of it, it most likely gets no reply. Same thing if there's a new release of the hack.

    Famous hack: People asskiss that person and tell him how awesome he and his hack are. 'nuff said.
    Sonic Retro: I don't know much to write about this one, since I'm only lurking there sometimes despite being a member. Some of the SSRG stuff I wrote above applies to this once too. There's just too much serious discussion and everything is too tense in my opinion.
    So, feel free to leave your opinions about these two or the community in here...
    I agree with the part of SSRG, since I don't like the Staff of it very much, they bash any person who is against that community. However, I don't agree with the part of Green Snake, a permanent ban, is permanent, without offense, because I don't want some idiots insulting me like fanboys.
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Green Snake Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:21 pm

    I'm most bothered about people being mean to eachother without any reason, and SSRG staff.

    Jdpense likes this post


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    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  hacker___ Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:23 pm

    i don't see seriously see nothing special. It's probably because I just joined the community 6 months ago...

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  SonicVaan Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:25 pm

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:
    I agree with the part of SSRG, since I don't like the Staff of it very much, they bash any person who is against that community. However, I don't agree with the part of Green Snake, a permanent ban, is permanent, without offense, because I don't want some idiots insulting me like fanboys.
    Yeah, but Spanner said if Green Snake changes to the better, he has a chance to get back on board. But in the end he thought of a shitty excuse.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:29 pm

    He is banned by the IP address I think, however, I'm banned on the forums of SSRG, and they restricted me to post, since I had discussions with Spanner, and OrdosAlpha, in fact, I had a discussion with the Staff, as I was getting tired of being treated like an idiot.
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Green Snake Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:34 pm

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:He is banned by the IP address I think, however, I'm banned on the forums of SSRG, and they restricted me to post, since I had discussions with Spanner, and OrdosAlpha, in fact, I had a discussion with the Staff, as I was getting tired of being treated like an idiot.
    I can see why they treated like and idiot; Multiaccounts, bandodging, posts which they think are completely worthless, etc.

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  SonicVaan Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:35 pm

    I know I know, but Spanner occassionally visits SGD to check out the people who are banned on SSRG, to see if they changed to the better and to eventually give them a chance

    Jdpense likes this post

    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:38 pm

    Green Snake wrote:
    Ezequiel Matias wrote:He is banned by the IP address I think, however, I'm banned on the forums of SSRG, and they restricted me to post, since I had discussions with Spanner, and OrdosAlpha, in fact, I had a discussion with the Staff, as I was getting tired of being treated like an idiot.
    I can see why they treated like and idiot; Multiaccounts, bandodging, posts which they think are completely worthless, etc.
    You should enjoy your ban in SSRG as well.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:41 pm

    Green Snake wrote:
    Ezequiel Matias wrote:He is banned by the IP address I think, however, I'm banned on the forums of SSRG, and they restricted me to post, since I had discussions with Spanner, and OrdosAlpha, in fact, I had a discussion with the Staff, as I was getting tired of being treated like an idiot.
    I can see why they treated like and idiot; Multiaccounts, bandodging, posts which they think are completely worthless, etc.
    You get banned in SSRG as well, doing shitty comments by Facebook, posting a shit hack that annoyed many members, including, you send an e-mail to a member of the Staff, saying that you learned from your mistakes, ha ha ha, pathetic...
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
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    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Green Snake Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:58 pm

    That was year ago. I dont care for the past, but look forward for the future.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:00 pm

    This is because you are an idiot.

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  SonicVaan Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:02 pm

    Why? It's always better to change the future because one can't change the past.

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    Mensagens : 177
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-31

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  ThomasSpeedrunner Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:57 pm

    Indeed. I'm wanting to try and make myself into a better person. BUT...

    ...GS is...

    ...actually, never mind.
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
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    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Green Snake Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:24 pm

    I'm not the reason you dig hole under your feet.

    Mensagens : 177
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-31

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  ThomasSpeedrunner Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:52 pm

    I'm actually nervous to say it

    It's kinda confusing

    But it's not "GS is the reason I dig a hole under my feet"
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Green Snake Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:04 pm

    I want to hear how I am holding you back.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:29 pm

    Green Snake wrote:I want to hear how I am holding you back.
    You are very nice with your "friends" as I can see.
    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
    Data de inscrição : 2013-09-17
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    Current Project : All is within.

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:36 pm

    Well there is one thing that really annoys me about the adminstration/staff of Retro and SSRG in general. They usual accept people that are friends with them into their community even though they break the rules, while others who aren't known to them don't get accepted even though they try really hard to get in.

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  SonicVaan Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:24 pm

    You know, because elite and stuff. o:
    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
    Data de inscrição : 2013-09-17
    Localização : Undisclosed.
    Current Project : All is within.

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:36 pm

    yep exactly....

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  JoshDP Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:47 pm

    Just an annual year bump! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce affraid Basketball cheers bom drunken Basketball cheers bom drunken cherry sunny Sleep

    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Jdpense Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:43 pm

    My hacks would be under the category of "Decent hack", where they get like 0-1 replies 

    which is a shame, cus they deserve more recognition smh

    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

    Post  Jdpense Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:27 pm

    Answer: Everything.

    Everything about it annoys me

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    What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community? Empty Re: What bothers you most about the Sonic ROM hacking community?

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