ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

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    Mensagens : 468
    Data de inscrição : 2021-06-29
    Localização : Moved on.

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    Post  Ralakimus1 Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:52 am

    The Big HEX List - Glitch City Wiki

    The Big HEX List

    From Glitch City Wiki
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    Complete R/B/Y/G/S/C Hexadecimal BIG LIST

    Original version:

    This is the Complete R/B/Y/G/S/C Hexadecimal Big List.

    It contains the hexadecimal index number of every Pokémon, item, and move in the first two generations of Pokémon games, R/B/Y letter hexadecimal numbers for the old man trick and assembly instructions for arbitrary code execution.

    Blank areas in the "R/B/Y Character" are not intended as text characters. If forced to be displayed by the text engine, they will show up as glitch characters, usually depending on the tileset loaded.

    Characters which are "₽" represents the Pokédollar symbol. Characters with # represent an illegible glitch character (usually a map tile that may be influenced by the current tileset).

    This list is for use on Glitch City Laboratories ONLY.


    Other updates: Please see the history.

    May 2016 - The Big HEX List was ported to a sortable wiki markup language table.

    May 2016 - ASM instruction version created by ISSOtm and published on May 15, 2016. Glitch City Labs is grateful for the help.

    June 2006 - Items updated by PokemonPichu on June 9, 2006. Glitch City Labs is grateful for the help.

    HexadecimalDecimalR/B/Y PokémonR/B/Y AttackR/B/Y ItemG/S/C PokémonG/S/C AttackG/S/C ItemR/B/Y CharacterASM instruction
    000'M (Red/Blue)
    3TRAINERPOKé₽ (Yellow)
    Cooltrainer Move
    (name is "-" on the move selection box and summary screen, random elsewhere)
    RBItem00.png ("j.", "j item") (Red/Blue)
    YItem00.png (Yellow)
    ?????"-" (can freeze the game)?Control character: Prints an error code if in the middle of a text box. The message ends and all text after the error code is not printed.nop
    011RhydonPoundMaster BallBulbasaurPoundMaster Ballld bc,$xxyy
    022KangaskhanKarate ChopUltra BallIvysaurKarate ChopUltra Ballld [bc],a
    033Nidoran♂DoubleslapGreat BallVenusaurDoubleslapBrightpowderinc bc
    044ClefairyComet PunchPoké BallCharmanderComet PunchGreat Ballinc b
    055SpearowMega PunchTown MapCharmeleonMega PunchPoké Balldec b
    066VoltorbPay DayBicycleCharizardPay DayTeru-Samald b,$xx
    077NidokingFire Punch????? ("Surfboard")SquirtleFire PunchBicyclerlca
    088SlowbroIce PunchSafari BallWartortleIce PunchMoon Stoneld [$xxyy],sp
    099IvysaurThunderpunchPokédexBlastoiseThunderpunchAntidoteadd hl, bc
    0A10ExeggutorScratchMoon StoneCaterpieScratchBurn Healld a, [bc]
    0B11LickitungVicegripAntidoteMetapodVicegripIce Healdec bc
    0C12ExeggcuteGuillotineBurn HealButterfreeGuillotineAwakeninginc c
    0D13GrimerRazor WindIce HealWeedleRazor WindParalyz Healdec c
    0E14GengarSwords DanceAwakeningKakunaSwords DanceFull Restoreld c,$xx
    0F15Nidoran♀CutParalyz HealBeedrillCutMax Potionrrca
    1016NidoqueenGustFull RestorePidgeyGustHyper Potionstop
    1117CuboneWing AttackMax PotionPidgeottoWing AttackSuper Potionld de,$xxyy
    1218RhyhornWhirlwindHyper PotionPidgeotWhirlwindPotionld [de], a
    1319LaprasFlySuper PotionRattataFlyEscape Ropeinc de
    1420ArcanineBindPotionRaticateBindRepelinc d
    1521MewSlamBoulderBadgeSpearowSlamMax Elixerdec d
    1622GyaradosVine WhipCascadeBadgeFearowVine WhipFire Stoneld d,$xx
    1824TentacoolDouble KickRainbowBadgeArbokDouble KickWater Stonejr $xx
    1925GastlyMega KickSoulBadgePikachuMega KickTeru-Samaadd hl, de
    1A26ScytherJump KickMarshBadgeRaichuJump KickHP Upld a, [de]
    1B27StaryuRolling KickVolcanoBadgeSandshrewRolling KickProteindec de
    1C28BlastoiseSand AttackEarthBadgeSandslashSand AttackIroninc e
    1D29PinsirHeadbuttEscape RopeNidoran♀HeadbuttCarbosdec e
    1E30TangelaHorn AttackRepelNidorinaHorn AttackLucky Punchld e,$xx
    1F31MissingNo.Fury AttackOld AmberNidoqueenFury AttackCalciumrra
    2032MissingNo.Horn DrillFire StoneNidoran♂Horn DrillRare Candyjr nz,$xx
    2133GrowlitheTackleThunderstoneNidorinoTackleX Accuracyld hl,$xxyy
    2234OnixBody SlamWater StoneNidokingBody SlamLeaf Stoneldi [hl],a
    ld [hli],a
    2335FearowWrapHP UpClefairyWrapMetal Powderinc hl
    2436PidgeyTake DownProteinClefableTake DownNuggetinc h
    2537SlowpokeThrashIronVulpixThrashPoké Dolldec h
    2638KadabraDouble-EdgeCarbosNinetalesDouble-EdgeFull Healld h,$xx
    2739GravelerTail WhipCalciumJigglypuffTail WhipRevivedaa
    2840ChanseyPoison StingRare CandyWigglytuffPoison StingMax Revivejr z,$xx
    2941MachokeTwineedleDome FossilZubatTwineedleGuard Spec.add hl, hl
    2A42Mr. MimePin MissileHelix FossilGolbatPin MissileSuper Repelldi a, [hl]
    ld a,[hli]
    2B43HitmonleeLeerSecret KeyOddishLeerMax Repeldec hl
    2C44HitmonchanBite????? (Unusable)GloomBiteDire Hitinc l
    2D45ArbokGrowlBike VoucherVileplumeGrowlTeru-Samadec l
    2E46ParasectRoarX AccuracyParasRoarFresh Waterld l,$xx
    2F47PsyduckSingLeaf StoneParasectSingSoda Popcpl
    3048DrowzeeSupersonicCard KeyVenonatSupersonicLemonadejr nc,$xx
    3149GolemSonicboomNuggetVenomothSonicboomX Attackld sp,$xxyy
    3250MissingNo.DisablePP Up (useless)DiglettDisableTeru-Samaldd [hl],a
    ld [hld],a
    3351MagmarAcidPoké DollDugtrioAcidX Defendinc sp
    3452MissingNo.EmberFull HealMeowthEmberX Speedinc [hl]
    3553ElectabuzzFlamethrowerRevivePersianFlamethrowerX Specialdec [hl]
    3654MagnetonMistMax RevivePsyduckMistCoin Caseld [hl],$xx
    3755KoffingWater GunGuard Spec.GolduckWater GunItemfinderscf
    3856MissingNo.Hydro PumpSuper RepelMankeyHydro PumpTeru-Samajr c,$xx
    3957MankeySurfMax RepelPrimeapeSurfExp. Shareadd hl,sp
    3A58SeelIce BeamDire HitGrowlitheIce BeamOld Rodldd a,[hl]
    ld a,[hli]
    3B59DiglettBlizzardCoinArcanineBlizzardGood Roddec sp
    3C60TaurosPsybeamFresh WaterPoliwagPsybeamSilver Leafinc a
    3D61MissingNo.BubblebeamSoda PopPoliwhirlBubblebeamSuper Roddec a
    3E62MissingNo.Aurora BeamLemonadePoliwrathAurora BeamPP Upld a,$xx
    3F63MissingNo.Hyper BeamS.S. TicketAbraHyper BeamEtherccf
    4064Farfetch'dPeckGold TeethKadabraPeckMax Etherld b,b
    4165VenonatDrill PeckX AttackAlakazamDrill PeckElixerld b,c
    4266DragoniteSubmissionX DefenseMachopSubmissionRed Scaleld b,d
    4367MissingNo.Low KickX SpeedMachokeLow KickSecretpotionld b,e
    4468MissingNo.CounterX SpecialMachampCounterS.S. Ticketld b,h
    4569MissingNo.Seismic TossCoin CaseBellsproutSeismic TossMystery Eggld b,l
    4670DoduoStrengthOak's ParcelWeepinbellStrengthTeru-Sama (Gold/Silver)
    Clear Bell (Crystal)
    ld b,[hl]
    4771PoliwagAbsorbItem FinderVictreebelAbsorbSilver Wingld b,a
    4872JynxMega DrainSilph ScopeTentacoolMega DrainMoomoo Milkld c,b
    4973MoltresLeech SeedPoké FluteTentacruelLeech SeedQuick ClawControl character: New message box page and new text is brought up possibly over the text box.ld c,c
    4A74ArticunoGrowthLift KeyGeodudeGrowthPsncureberryControl character: "ᴘᴋᴍɴ"ld c,d
    4B75ZapdosRazor LeafExp. AllGravelerRazor LeafGold LeafControl character: New message box page + effect of character $4C (13 frames)ld c,e
    4C76DittoSolar BeamOld RodGolemSolar BeamSoft SandControl character: Scroll text up (10 frames)ld c,h
    4D77MeowthPoisonpowderGood RodPonytaPoisonpowderSharp Beakld c,l
    4E78KrabbyStun SporeSuper RodRapidashStun SporePrzcureberryControl character: Move down one or two linesld c,[hl]
    4F79MissingNo.Sleep PowderPP UpSlowpokeSleep PowderBurnt Berryld c,a
    5080MissingNo.Petal DanceEtherSlowbroPetal DanceIce BerryControl character: End of name markerld d,b
    5181MissingNo.String ShotMax EtherMagnemiteString ShotPoison BarbControl character: New message box page (23 frames)ld d,c
    5282VulpixDragon RageElixerMagnetonDragon RageKing's RockControl character: "(Player's name)"ld d,d
    5383NinetalesFire SpinMax ElixerFarfetch'dFire SpinBitter BerryControl character: "(Rival's name)"ld d,e
    5484PikachuThundershockB2F (Red/Blue/Yellow)DoduoThundershockMint BerryControl character: "POKé"ld d,h
    5585RaichuThunderboltB1F (Red/Blue/Yellow)DodrioThunderboltRed ApricornControl character: New message box page + ₽4C (13 frames)ld d,l
    5686MissingNo.Thunder Wave1F (Red/Blue/Yellow)SeelThunder WaveTinymushroom…… (two characters)ld d,[hl]
    5787MissingNo.Thunder2F (Red/Blue/Yellow)DewgongThunderBig Mushroom('full' terminator)ld d,a
    5888DratiniRock Throw3F (Red/Blue/Yellow)GrimerRock ThrowSilverpowderNew message box page + (terminator)ld e,b
    5989DragonairEarthquake4F (Red/Blue/Yellow)MukEarthquakeBlu ApricornwBattleMonNick if enemy turn, wEnemyMonNick if player turnld e,c
    5A90KabutoFissure5F (Red/Blue/Yellow)ShellderFissureTeru-SamawEnemyMonNick if enemy turn, wBattleMonNick if player turnld e,d
    5B91KabutopsDig6F (Red/Blue/Yellow)CloysterDigAmulet CoinControl character: "PC"ld e,e
    5C92HorseaToxic7F (Red/Blue/Yellow)GastlyToxicYlw ApricornControl character: "TM"ld e,h
    5D93SeadraConfusion8F (Red/Blue/Yellow)HaunterConfusionGrn ApricornControl character: "TRAINER"ld e,l
    5E94MissingNo.Psychic9F (Red/Blue/Yellow)GengarPsychicCleanse TagControl character: "ROCKET"ld e,[hl]
    5F95MissingNo.Hypnosis10F (Red/Blue/Yellow)OnixHypnosisMystic Water. (and terminator)ld e,a
    6096SandshrewMeditate11F (Red/Blue/Yellow)DrowzeeMeditateTwistedspoonBold Ald h,b
    6197SandslashAgilityB4F (Red/Blue/Yellow)HypnoAgilityWht ApricornBold Bld h,c
    6298OmanyteQuick AttackRBItem62.png
    ("w m") (Red/Blue/Yellow)
    KrabbyQuick AttackBlack BeltBold Cld h,d
    ("ws m") (Red/Blue/Yellow)
    KinglerRageBlk ApricornBold Dld h,e
    ("v t m") (Red/Blue/Yellow)
    VoltorbTeleportTeru-SamaBold Eld h,h
    65101WigglytuffNight Shade#'d#m# (Red/Blue/Yellow)ElectrodeNight ShadePnk ApricornBold Fld h,l
    66102EeveeMimic#m# (Red/Blue/Yellow)ExeggcuteMimicBlackglassesBold Gld h,[hl]
    67103FlareonScreechw 'l#m# (Red/Blue/Yellow)ExeggutorScreechSlowpoketailBold Hld h,a
    68104JolteonDouble Team#f#m# (Red/Blue/Yellow)CuboneDouble TeamPink BowBold Ild l,b
    69105VaporeonRecover#m# (Red/Blue/Yellow)MarowakRecoverStickBold Vld l,c
    ("-gm") (Red/Blue/Yellow)
    HitmonleeHardenSmoke BallBold Sld l,d
    6B107ZubatMinimize# (Red/Blue/Yellow)HitmonchanMinimizeNevermelticeBold Lld l,e
    6C108EkansSmokescreené (Red/Blue/Yellow)LickitungSmokescreenMagnetBold Mld l,h
    6D109ParasConfuse Ray#il# (Red/Blue/Yellow)KoffingConfuse RayMiracleberryBold :ld l,l
    6E110PoliwhirlWithdrawLg#- (Red/Blue/Yellow)WeezingWithdrawPearlSmall hiragana i (ぃ)ld l,[hl]
    6F111PoliwrathDefense Curl#-g# (Red/Blue/Yellow)RhyhornDefense CurlBig PearlSmall hiragana u (ぅ)ld l,a
    70112WeedleBarrier#QGnS#I (Red/Blue/Yellow)RhydonBarrierEverstoneBold '(opening single quote)ld [hl],b
    71113KakunaLight ScreenGn#SI (Red/Blue/Yellow)ChanseyLight ScreenSpell TagBold '(closing single quote)ld [hl],c
    72114BeedrillHaze#Q;MP- (Red/Blue/Yellow)TangelaHazeRagecandybarBold "(opening double quote)ld [hl],d
    73115MissingNo.ReflectMP- (Red/Blue/Yellow)KangaskhanReflectTeru-Sama (Gold/Silver)
    GS Ball (Crystal)
    Bold "(closing double quote)ld [hl],e
    74116DodrioFocus EnergyDHNhIT4 89 ゥ N (Red/Blue/Yellow)HorseaFocus EnergyTeru-Sama (Gold/Silver)
    Blue Card (Crystal)
    Bold .ld [hl],h
    75117PrimeapeBide (Red/Blue/Yellow)SeadraBideMiracle Seed...ld [hl],l
    76118DugtrioMetronome#### (Red/Blue/Yellow)GoldeenMetronomeThick ClubSmall hiragana a (ぁ)halt
    77119VenomothMirror Move4 (Red/Blue/Yellow)SeakingMirror MoveFocus BandSmall hiragana e (ぇ)ld [hl],a
    78120DewgongSelfdestruct(no name) (Red/Blue)
    ₽ ぅ (Yellow)
    StaryuSelfdestructTeru-SamaSmall hiragana o (ぉ)ld a,b
    79121MissingNo.Egg Bomb₽ ぅ (Red/Blue/Yellow)StarmieEgg BombEnergypowderPokéball Border top leftld a,c
    7A122MissingNo.Lick4 “ (Red/Blue)
    (multiple line break)(rival)₽ ぅ é (Yellow)
    Mr. MimeLickEnergy RootPokéball Border horizontal pieceld a,d
    7B123CaterpieSmogぉ8# (Red/Blue)
    .(player)₽ ぅ A Aぇ₽ (Yellow)
    ScytherSmogHeal PowderPokéball Border top rightld a,e
    7C124MetapodSludge8# 8 (Red/Blue)
    4# ぅ#▶ 't4# (Yellow)
    JynxSludgeRevival HerbPokéball Border vertical piece (‖)ld a,h
    7D125ButterfreeBone Club# ₽ ₽ぅ####### (Red/Blue)
    # ₽ #ぅ4A # Q (Yellow)
    ElectabuzzBone ClubHard StonePokéball Border bottom leftld a,l
    7E126MachampFire Blast## ## ## A# ?## (Red/Blue)
    ####4B ##Q # (Yellow)
    MagmarFire BlastLucky EggPokéball Border bottom rightld a,[hl]
    7F127MissingNo.Waterfall#(player) #7#####6####7#### (Red/Blue)
    #ぇ #### ### #####u# (Yellow)
    PinsirWaterfallCard Key(Space)ld a,a
    80128GolduckClamp#PC# (Red/Blue)
    # ₽ ₽ぅ#88##₽ #ぅ#4A (Yellow)
    TaurosClampMachine PartAadd a,b
    81129HypnoSwift4# #4# y PC……4# ぅ4# H# (Red/Blue)
    #₽ #ぅ4# z# (Yellow)
    MagikarpSwiftTeru-Sama (Gold/Silver)
    Egg Ticket(Crystal)
    Badd a,c
    82130GolbatSkull Bash4# # (Red/Blue)
    # #(rival)₽ ぅ#######é (Yellow)
    GyaradosSkull BashLost ItemCadd a,d
    83131MewtwoSpike Cannon :### ##pゥ# #(rival)#E ## (Red/Blue)
    # #(rival) (rival)₽ ぅ###### é (Yellow)
    LaprasSpike CannonStardustDadd a,e
    84132SnorlaxConstrictTrade completed! (Red/Blue)
    # # (Yellow)
    DittoConstrictStar PieceEadd a,h
    85133MagikarpAmnesiaToo bad! The trade w (Red/Blue)
    ## # ## D# # (PC## (Yellow)
    EeveeAmnesiaBasement KeyFadd a,l
    86134MissingNo.Kinesis# (Red/Blue)
    # #7#####6## #7#### (Yellow)
    VaporeonKinesisPassGadd a,[hl]
    87135MissingNo.Softboiled####PkMnぉゥ# #ゥ #ゥC ## (Red/Blue)
    ##PC# (Yellow)
    JolteonSoftboiledTeru-SamaHadd a,a
    88136MukHi Jump Kick#▶D# (Red/Blue)
    4# #4# y 7……4# ぅ4# H# (Yellow)
    FlareonHi Jump KickTeru-SamaIadc a,b
    89137MissingNo.Glare##E# (Red/Blue)
    4# # # (Yellow)
    PorygonGlareTeru-SamaJadc a,c
    8A138KinglerDream Eater## O #B## ##p’t’u’v (Red/Blue)
    u### ##pゥ# (rival)#E ## (Yellow)
    OmanyteDream EaterCharcoalKadc a,d
    8B139CloysterPoison GasTRADE CENTER (Red/Blue)
    Trade completed! (Yellow)
    OmastarPoison GasBerry JuiceLadc a,e
    8C140MissingNo.Barragep’é## #### ### Enemy #SROCKE (Red/Blue)
    Too bad! The trade w (Yellow)
    KabutoBarrageScope LensMadc a,h
    8D141ElectrodeLeech Life#a #### #### ####### (Red/Blue)
    (blank) (Yellow)
    KabutopsLeech LifeTeru-SamaNadc a,l
    8E142ClefableLovely Kiss8## (Red/Blue)
    TM#ぉh##8 TM .TRAINER #ゥJ (Yellow)
    AerodactylLovely KissTeru-SamaOadc a,[hl]
    8F143WeezingSky AttackBATTLE ANIMATION (Red/Blue)
    p## O FROCKET##ゥ#######p’ (Yellow)
    SnorlaxSky AttackMetal CoatPadc a,a
    90144PersianTransformBATTLE STYLE (Red/Blue)
    p’é## ### ₽##Enemy # TRAINE (Yellow)
    ArticunoTransformDragon FangQsub a,b
    91145MarowakBubbleCANCEL (Red/Blue)
    #‘TM## E####ゥ (Yellow)
    ZapdosBubbleTeru-SamaRsub a,c
    92146MissingNo.Dizzy Punch#WA4# #z####3# (Red/Blue)
    #—##2pゥ (Yellow)
    MoltresDizzy PunchLeftoversSsub a,d
    93147HaunterSpore#—##2pゥ (Red/Blue)
    ######### (Yellow)
    DratiniSporeTeru-SamaTsub a,e
    94148AbraFlash# E###tE# (Red/Blue)
    #o## (Yellow)
    DragonairFlashTeru-SamaUsub a,h
    95149AlakazamPsywave##F# (Red/Blue)
    # ## (Yellow)
    DragonitePsywaveTeru-SamaVsub a,l
    96150PidgeottoSplash##F# (Red/Blue)
    ## # (Yellow)
    MewtwoSplashMysteryberryWsub a,[hl]
    97151PidgeotAcid Armor#XF# (Red/Blue)
    #ェ· (Yellow)
    MewAcid ArmorDragon ScaleXsub a,a
    98152StarmieCrabhammer#CC###’### ####♀ POKéi6 (Red/Blue)
    Q (Yellow)
    ChikoritaCrabhammerBerserk GeneYsbc a,b
    99153BulbasaurExplosion POKéTRAINER#: ### (Red/Blue)
    E#POKé#9 ## #'m4…… ##a (Yellow)
    BayleefExplosionTeru-SamaZsbc a,c
    9A154VenusaurFury Swipes#ァ pゥ #ゥ# WF # 't (Red/Blue)
    POKéTRAINER#: ### (Yellow)
    MeganiumFury SwipesTeru-Sama(sbc a,d

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:23 pm