ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

Green Snake
Karate Cat
9 posters

    After Image in Sonic 1


    Mensagens : 46
    Data de inscrição : 2011-01-09
    Current Project : Sonic Open Source Project

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  OuricoDoido Mon May 09, 2011 9:34 pm

    After Image in Sonic 1

    After Image in Sonic 1 Afterimageinsonic1

    Here a compiled ROM with this tutorial applied.

    Tutorial made to Hivebrain's 2005 disassembly.


    The After Image is a "copy", "shadow" of the character (Sonic), using the same character's sprite, but without collisions and other things, is a object that is only the character's sprite.

    As the sprite need to be the same of the character, all the information about the animation, map, art, horizontal / vertical mirror ...... will be the same of the character.

    I will create the object 8D to do the After Image, if you have used the Object 8D, use another object that has not been used, or create other like 8E, 8F...

    This After Image that i will show is based on inertia like Sonic Advance 2, and if you want, you can program it to be based on X-Velocity, Y-Velocity, or what you think better.


    Above the Obj0A, add this code:
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Object 8D - After Image
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Obj8D:               ; XREF: Obj_Index
          cmpi.b   #$18,($FFFFD01C).w   ; is "death" animation?
          beq.w   Obj8D_Delete      ; if yes, delete the After Image

          moveq   #0,d0
          move.b   $24(a0),d0
          move.w   Obj8D_Index(pc,d0.w),d1
          jmp   Obj8D_Index(pc,d1.w)

    ; ===========================================================================
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_Sprite_priority_start-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_Sprite_priority_next-Obj8D_Index
          dc.w Obj8D_Delete-Obj8D_Index
    ; ===========================================================================
          addq.b   #2,$24(a0)         ; go to next item of index, at the next frame
    ; ===========================================================================
          move.b   #2,$18(a0)         ; set sprite priority to 2
          bra.s   Obj8D_Show
    ; ===========================================================================
          addq.b   #1,$18(a0)         ; set a lower sprite priority
    ; ===========================================================================
          addq.b   #2,$24(a0)            ; go to next item of index
          jsr   (RandomNumber).l         ; get a random number
          andi.b   #2,d0               ; get a number equal or lower than 2 (0 until 2)
          bne.s   Obj8D_Show_exception   ; if is not 0, branch
          rts                        ; if is 0, don't show the after-image

          move.w   ($FFFFD002).w,2(a0)      ; copy Sonic map to after-image map
           move.b   ($FFFFD001).w,1(a0)      ; copy Sonic frame infos (horizontal/vertical mirror, coordinate system......)
           move.l   ($FFFFD01A).w,$1A(a0)   ; copy the Sonic animation frame
          jmp   DisplaySprite
    ; ===========================================================================
          jmp   DeleteObject

    ; ===========================================================================

    In Sonic_Display, change this:
    Sonic_Display:            ; XREF: loc_12C7E
          move.w   $30(a0),d0
          beq.s   Obj01_Display
          subq.w   #1,$30(a0)
          lsr.w   #3,d0
          bcc.s   Obj01_ChkInvin

          jsr   DisplaySprite
    To this:
    Sonic_Display:            ; XREF: loc_12C7E
          move.w   $30(a0),d0
          beq.s   Obj01_Display_AfterImage
          subq.w   #1,$30(a0)
          lsr.w   #3,d0
          bcc.s   Obj01_ChkInvin

          move.w   $14(a0),d0         ; get inertia
          tst.w   d0               ; is inertia greater than 0?
          bge.s   Obj01_AfterImage_Start   ; if yes, don't negate it
          neg      d0               ; if not, negate it

          cmpi.w   #$600,d0      ; is the sonic inertia greater than 600?
          blt.s   Obj01_Display   ; if not, don't show the After Image

          bsr.w   SingleObjLoad   ; search a free space in object RAM
          bne.s   Obj01_Display   ; if not have, don't load the After Image
          move.b  #$8D,0(a1)      ; load after-image object
          move.l   4(a0),4(a1)      ; copy Sonic mappings to after-image mappings
          move.w   8(a0),8(a1)      ; copy Sonic x-pos to after-image x-pos
          move.w   $C(a0),$C(a1)   ; copy Sonic y-pos to after-image y-pos

          jsr   DisplaySprite

    As we created the object 8D, we need add it in object pointers.

    In _inc\Object pointers.asm Add this line in end of the file:
       dc.l Obj8D

    If you want that "each after image" use a different pallet line, change this:
          addq.b   #2,$24(a0)            ; go to next item of index
          jsr   (RandomNumber).l         ; get a random number
          andi.b   #2,d0               ; get a number equal or lower than 2 (0 until 2)
          bne.s   Obj8D_Show_exception   ; if is not 0, branch
          rts                        ; if is 0, don't show the after-image

          move.w   ($FFFFD002).w,2(a0)      ; copy Sonic map to after-image map
           move.b   ($FFFFD001).w,1(a0)      ; copy Sonic frame infos (horizontal/vertical mirror, coordinate system......)
           move.l   ($FFFFD01A).w,$1A(a0)   ; copy the Sonic animation frame
          jmp   DisplaySprite
    To this:
          addq.b   #2,$24(a0)            ; go to next item of index
          jsr   (RandomNumber).l         ; get a random number
          andi.b   #3,d0               ; get a number equal or lower than 3 (0 until 3)
          bne.s   Obj8D_Show_exception   ; if is not 0, branch
          rts                        ; if is 0, don't show the after-image

          lsl.w   #8,d0            ; multiply by 2000
          lsl.w   #5,d0
          move.w   ($FFFFD002).w,2(a0)      ; copy Sonic map to after-image map
          add.w   d0,2(a0)            ; set any pallet line
           move.b   ($FFFFD001).w,1(a0)      ; copy Sonic frame infos (horizontal/vertical mirror, coordinate system......)
           move.l   ($FFFFD01A).w,$1A(a0)   ; copy the Sonic animation frame
          jmp   DisplaySprite

    How this work?

    This After Image Method is like 8 Objects, all with After Image, but each is in a different frame, like below:
       is being created on Sonic_Display                  ; 1st frame
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index                  ; 2nd frame
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index                  ; 3rd frame
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index                  ; 4th frame
          dc.w Obj8D_Sprite_priority_start-Obj8D_Index   ; 5th frame
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index                  ; 6th frame
          dc.w Obj8D_NoShow-Obj8D_Index                  ; 7th frame
          dc.w Obj8D_Sprite_priority_next-Obj8D_Index   ; 8th frame
          dc.w Obj8D_Delete-Obj8D_Index                  ; 9th frame

    In each frame, the Sonic_Display create 1 After Image, and after 8 frames (in the 9th frame), this After Image is deleted.
    After 9 frames activated, it get a cycle, 1 deleted and 1 created in same frame.

    This After Image Method uses a Sonic' frozen image, that still stalled until be deleted.
    In a time line we can see this:
    1st frame - created
    2nd frame - not showed
    3rd frame - not showed
    4th frame - not showed
    5th frame - showed
    6th frame - not showed
    7th frame - not showed
    8th frame - showed
    9th frame - deleted
    Note: the sequence (time line), only will be like this if the Obj8D_Index be same than my tutorial.
    You can change the Obj8D_Index like you want, to get the better effect and without create a lot of After Images, because this can cause many lost frames (lag).

    Why change the sprite priority?

    For older After Images be behind than new After Images.

    Why using a random number?

    For the condition that say if the After Image need or not be showed, not be always the same.

    Mensagens : 55
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-16

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  calebjhuhlu Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:57 pm

    I'm Sorta new at this, So im not sure, What is Each After Image? I didnt want to apply it with out knowing.
    I know what a After image is, i applies that part, but whats the Each after image?
    Karate Cat
    Karate Cat

    Mensagens : 83
    Data de inscrição : 2011-04-22

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Karate Cat Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:03 pm

    They are the effects when you run like in the Sonic Advance series, calebjhuhlu.

    Mensagens : 46
    Data de inscrição : 2011-01-09
    Current Project : Sonic Open Source Project

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  OuricoDoido Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:07 pm

    calebjhuhlu wrote:I'm Sorta new at this, So im not sure, What is Each After Image? I didnt want to apply it with out knowing.
    I know what a After image is, i applies that part, but whats the Each after image?

    When I said "each after image", I am referring to each object that contain an after image that is being showed in the frame. To understand what I said, see the first image of the topic, in one after image the Sonic is green and in the other is brown with white, each after image are with a different color, using a different pallet line.

    Mensagens : 21
    Data de inscrição : 2012-10-21

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  TheRetroGuy Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:07 pm

    I tried this in Sonic 2 and it worked with no problems. In Sonic 2 you have to modify this a bit for it to work properly.
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Green Snake Sun May 19, 2013 11:46 am

    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:34 pm

    U feif

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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  hacker___ Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:07 pm

    Jdpense wrote:U feif
    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:23 pm

    Translation: You theif!
    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
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    Current Project : All is within.

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:56 pm

    This town needs to be destroyed or at least painted a different color...

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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  SonicVaan Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:41 am

    These flash thingys GS started to post are annoying >.<
    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
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    Current Project : All is within.

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:15 am

    SonicVaan wrote:These flash thingys GS started to post are annoying >.<
    I agree. I dont get y he does it but lol

    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Jdpense Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:36 am

    Just an annual year bump! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce affraid Basketball cheers bom drunken Basketball cheers bom drunken cherry sunny Sleep
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

    Post  Green Snake Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:48 pm

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    After Image in Sonic 1 Empty Re: After Image in Sonic 1

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