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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

Squidward Tentacles
Ezequiel Matias
10 posters

    Square Root Implementation


    Mensagens : 46
    Data de inscrição : 2011-01-09
    Current Project : Sonic Open Source Project

    Square Root Implementation Empty Square Root Implementation

    Post  OuricoDoido Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:34 pm

    Here a Fast SQRT (Square Root) Calculator using the Babylonian method:

    Square Root Implementation 473cd7bceb950c9c95e4182b8e0a5609

    For more informations visit this link:

    Follows the code below:
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Subroutine to calculate the Square Root with the Babylonian method
    ; d0 = input longword = any value until $FFFFFFFF
    ; d0 = output word = a root until $FFFF
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ; ||||||||||||||| S U B   R O U T   I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

    SquareRoot:            ; arg (32 bit) & result (16 bit) in D0
          movem.l d1-d3,-(sp)   ; save the variables that will be changed in this calculation
          move.l   d0,d3   ; save S in d3
          swap   d0      ; swap to tst if is <= 65535 (0000FFFF -> FFFF0000)
          tst.w   d0      ; is <= 65535?
          beq.s   .16bit   ; if yes, this number is 16bit or 8bit
          cmpi.w   #255,d0   ; is <= 255 (00FF0000 -> 000000FF)?
          bls.s   .24bit   ; if yes, this number is 24bit
    ; --------------------------------------------------------
          cmp.w   #$FFFD,d0   ; the numer is >= FFFD0000?
          bcc.s   max_result   ; if yes, result = 0000FFFF

       ; in the first Iteration, we will use 2^n as x0
       ; this calculation is to get the n,

       ; when we pass the loop (FFFF+y = a number < FFFF; ie, y+y = number < y)
       ; this was commented as "greater than 65535"

          moveq   #16,d1   ; in 32bit the n = 16 in start (2^16=65536, max result of a 32bit square root)
          add.w   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left, more faster than the lsl)
          bcs.s   START   ; if the result is greater than 65535 (because the swap FFFF0000 -> 0000FFFF),
                      ; start the square root with n = 16
          subq.w   #1,d1   ; if not, sub 1 of n

          add.w   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          bcs.s   START   ; if the result is low than d0 (greater than 65535), start the square root
          add.w   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          dbcs   d1,Norm32   ; if the result is greater than d0 (low than 65535), loop and sub 1 of n
          bra.s   START      ; if is greater than 65535, start the square root

          moveq   #0,d0   ; result = 00000000
          subq.w   #1,d0   ; result = 0000FFFF
          movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3   ; load the variables that were modified
    ; --------------------------------------------------------
       ; in the first Iteration, we will use 2^n as x0
       ; this calculation is to get the n,

       ; when we pass the loop (FF+y = a number < FF; ie, y+y = number < y)
       ; this was commented as "greater than 255"

          moveq   #12,d1   ; in 24bit the n = 12 in start (2^12=4096, max result of a 24bit square root)
          add.b   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left, more faster than the lsl)
          bcs.s   START   ; if the result is greater than 255 (because the swap 00FF0000 -> 000000FF),
                      ; start the square root with n = 12
          subq.w   #1,d1   ; if not, sub 1 of n

          add.b   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          bcs.s   START   ; if the result is low than d0 (greater than 255), start the square root
          add.b   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          dbcs   d1,Norm24   ; if the result is greater than d0 (low than 255), loop and sub 1 of n
                         ; if is greater than 255, start the square root
    ; --------------------------------------------------------
    START:   ; first Iteration // x1 = (S/x0 + x0) / 2
          move.l   d3,d2   ; copy S to d2
          lsr.l   d1,d2   ; S/2^n (n=d1)
          moveq   #0,d0   ; clear d0
          bset   d1,d0   ; set d0=2^n
          addx.l   d2,d0   ; S/x0 + x0
          lsr.l   d0      ; /2
                   ; now d0=x1
          subq.l   #1,d3   ; S=S-1, for better results

          ; second Iteration // x2 = (S/x1 + x1) / 2
          move.l   d3,d1   ; copy S to d1
          divu   d0,d1   ; S/x1
          addq.w   #1,d0   ; LSB rounded, no overflow possible here!
          add.w   d1,d0   ; S/x1 + x1
          roxr.w   d0      ; /2 (asr, div and lsr can cause a ZERO DIVIDE. ex: When S = 2^30)
                   ; now d0=x2

          ; third Iteration // x3 = (S/x2 + x2) / 2
          ; large values need more iterations
          divu   d0,d3   ; S/x2
          addq.w   #1,d0   ; LSB rounded
          add.w   d3,d0   ; S/x2 + x2
          roxr.w   d0      ; /2 (asr, div and lsr can cause a ZERO DIVIDE)

          movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3   ; load the variables that were modified
    ; --------------------------------------------------------
          swap   d0      ; return the value to original state (____0000 -> 0000____)
          cmpi.w   #255,d0   ; is <= 255 (000000FF)?
          bls.s   .8bit   ; if yes, this number is 8bit

       ; in the first Iteration, we will use 2^n as x0
       ; this calculation is to get the n,

       ; when we pass the loop (FFFF+y = a number < FFFF; ie, y+y = number < y)
       ; this was commented as "greater than 65535"

          moveq   #8,d1   ; in 16bit the n = 8 in start (2^8=256, max result of a 16bit square root)
          add.w   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left, more faster than the lsl)
          bcs.s   STARTS   ; if the result is greater than 65535, start the square root with n = 8
          subq.w   #1,d1   ; if not, sub 1 of n

          add.w   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          bcs.s   STARTS   ; if the result is low than d0 (greater than 65535), start the square root
          add.w   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          dbcs   d1,Norm16   ; if the result is greater than d0 (low than 65535), loop and sub 1 of n
          bra.s   STARTS      ; if is greater than 65535, start the square root
    ; --------------------------------------------------------
          cmp.w   #1,d0      ; is 0 or 1?
          bls.s   START_rts   ; if yes, return with sqrt of 0 or 1

       ; in the first Iteration, we will use 2^n as x0
       ; this calculation is to get the n,

       ; when we pass the loop (FF+y = a number < FF; ie, y+y = number < y)
       ; this was commented as "greater than 255"

          moveq   #4,d1   ; in 8bit the n = 4 in start (2^4=16, max result of a 8bit square root)
          add.b   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left, more faster than the lsl)
          bcs.s   STARTS   ; if the result is greater than 255, start the square root with n = 4
          subq.w   #1,d1   ; if not, sub 1 of n

          add.b   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          bcs.s   STARTS   ; if the result is low than d0 (greater than 255), start the square root
          add.b   d0,d0   ; *2 (shift 1 bit to left)
          dbcs   d1,Norm8   ; if the result is greater than d0 (low than 255), loop and sub 1 of n
                         ; if is greater than 255, start the square root
    ; --------------------------------------------------------
    STARTS:   ; first Iteration // x1 = (S/x0 + x0) / 2
          move.l   d3,d2   ; copy S to d2
          lsr.w   d1,d2   ; S/2^n (n=d1)
          moveq   #0,d0   ; clear d0
          bset   d1,d0   ; set d0=2^n
          addx.w   d2,d0   ; S/x0 + x0
          lsr.w   d0      ; /2
                   ; now d0=x1
          subq.w   #1,d3   ; S=S-1, for better results

          ; second Iteration // x2 = (S/x1 + x1) / 2
          divu   d0,d3   ; S/x1
          addq.w   #1,d0   ; LSB rounded
          add.w   d3,d0   ; S/x1 + x1
          roxr.w   d0      ; /2 (asr, div and lsr can cause a ZERO DIVIDE)
          movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3   ; load the variables that were modified
    ; End of function SquareRoot
    ; ===========================================================================

    Mensagens : 75
    Data de inscrição : 2011-06-20

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Haley_Davies Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:01 pm

    b ut this is rly gud well done orikododo SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:25 am

    Haley_Davies wrote:b ut this is rly gud well done orikododo SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile
    masa-alas's grammar.

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    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  hacker___ Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:03 am

    Squidward Tentacles

    Mensagens : 1320
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    Localização : Undisclosed.
    Current Project : All is within.

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Squidward Tentacles Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:32 pm

    Squidward Tentacles wrote:

    Mensagens : 1142
    Data de inscrição : 2013-08-08
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    Current Project : Things

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  UburL33tUzerNam Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:04 am

    Squidward Tentacles wrote:
    Squidward Tentacles wrote:

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  JoshDP Fri Nov 14, 2014 6:16 pm

    Wat Di DevED

    Mensagens : 1142
    Data de inscrição : 2013-08-08
    Localização : Somewhere
    Current Project : Things

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  UburL33tUzerNam Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:22 pm

    JoshDP wrote:Wat Di DevED
    What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face

    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Jdpense Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:52 pm

    Just an annual year bump! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce affraid Basketball cheers bom drunken Basketball cheers bom drunken cherry sunny Sleep
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

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    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Green Snake Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:18 pm


    Mensagens : 2171
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    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Electroball_ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:43 pm


    Mensagens : 2171
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    Current Project : who cares

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Electroball_ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:48 pm


    Mensagens : 2171
    Data de inscrição : 2013-11-26
    Current Project : who cares

    Square Root Implementation Empty How to steal content

    Post  Electroball_ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:50 pm


    Mensagens : 2171
    Data de inscrição : 2013-11-26
    Current Project : who cares

    Square Root Implementation Empty How to steal content

    Post  Electroball_ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:52 pm


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    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

    Post  Electroball_ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:53 pm

    Sponsored content

    Square Root Implementation Empty Re: Square Root Implementation

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