Djohe - bashes newbies in a condescending matter
Ordos Alpha - bashes everyone over trivial things
Sonic 3 AIR Community - get salty over ROM hacks/ attack devs for no good reason
FireRat/Trox - creepy pedo, manipulator, scumass who lurks on this site for no legit reason, full of himself
Iso Killo - delusional, egotistical, manipulator, and sociopathic
Ordos Alpha - bashes everyone over trivial things
Sonic 3 AIR Community - get salty over ROM hacks/ attack devs for no good reason
FireRat/Trox - creepy pedo, manipulator, scumass who lurks on this site for no legit reason, full of himself
Iso Killo - delusional, egotistical, manipulator, and sociopathic