ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

Ezequiel Matias
7 posters

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?


    Who is the biggest dick?

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    Total Votes: 27
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Wed May 13, 2015 10:09 pm

    The title says it all.

    Mensagens : 1142
    Data de inscrição : 2013-08-08
    Localização : Somewhere
    Current Project : Things

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  UburL33tUzerNam Thu May 14, 2015 4:15 am

    I think my vote is obvious.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Thu May 14, 2015 8:37 am

    I'm maybe a bit an asshole, but being sincere, Green Sneik is a massive douchebag... (I'm not trying to offend anybody, I'm just saying the truth)

    Mensagens : 1142
    Data de inscrição : 2013-08-08
    Localização : Somewhere
    Current Project : Things

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  UburL33tUzerNam Thu May 14, 2015 10:44 am

    BTW I also voted for OuricoDoido as well.

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Thu May 14, 2015 6:23 pm

    OuricoDoido or me.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Thu May 14, 2015 10:00 pm

    UburL33tUzerNam wrote:BTW I also voted for OuricoDoido as well.

    I for some reason think you are Electrobol...

    Mensagens : 2171
    Data de inscrição : 2013-11-26
    Current Project : who cares

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Electroball_ Fri May 15, 2015 5:46 pm

    Voting for myself because I can.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:
    UburL33tUzerNam wrote:BTW I also voted for OuricoDoido as well.

    I for some reason think you are Electrobol...

    UburL33tUzerNam = DevEd


    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Fri May 15, 2015 6:40 pm

    I would also probably say MOST of these people on this list have turned into douches, since they nowadays just keep ignoring me. Except for you, Eze. You at least still respond to me, unlike the others.

    Mensagens : 1142
    Data de inscrição : 2013-08-08
    Localização : Somewhere
    Current Project : Things

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  UburL33tUzerNam Sat May 16, 2015 6:31 pm

    JoshDP wrote:I would also probably say MOST of these people on this list have turned into douches, since they nowadays just keep ignoring me. Except for you, Eze. You at least still respond to me, unlike the others.
    O RLY?

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Sat May 16, 2015 6:39 pm

    UburL33tUzerNam wrote:
    JoshDP wrote:I would also probably say MOST of these people on this list have turned into douches, since they nowadays just keep ignoring me. Except for you, Eze. You at least still respond to me, unlike the others.
    O RLY?
    Yes really. Anyways, I think that you DevED are also a nice person, since you also at least respond to me.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sat May 16, 2015 7:00 pm

    JoshDP wrote:
    UburL33tUzerNam wrote:
    JoshDP wrote:I would also probably say MOST of these people on this list have turned into douches, since they nowadays just keep ignoring me. Except for you, Eze. You at least still respond to me, unlike the others.
    O RLY?
    Yes really. Anyways, I think that you DevED are also a nice person, since you also at least respond to me.

    You don't seem to be a douche at all dude, unlike that cocky dick Green Sneik.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Sat May 16, 2015 7:07 pm

    Electroball_ wrote:Voting for myself because I can.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:
    UburL33tUzerNam wrote:BTW I also voted for OuricoDoido as well.

    I for some reason think you are Electrobol...

    UburL33tUzerNam = DevEd

    I already knew you were a douche. Very Happy
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Green Snake Sun May 17, 2015 6:10 am

    JoshDP wrote:I would also probably say MOST of these people on this list have turned into douches, since they nowadays just keep ignoring me. Except for you, Eze. You at least still respond to me, unlike the others.
    I don't think not answering to your every post equals to being a douche, exactly. Or am I wrong here?

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Sun May 17, 2015 6:34 am

    Green Snake wrote:I don't think not answering to your every post equals to being a douche, exactly. Or am I wrong here?
    I didn't just only mean on the forums, but on the Internet chats as well (IRC, Skype, etc...). Most of these people on this list don't want to have a conversation with me, since they just keep ignoring me nowadays.

    Also I do believe that "not answering" to post can be a bit douchy at times, depending on how important the question is and how that person you try to talk to responds to anyone else's post but yours. It gives you the feeling that you aren't relevant to that person.

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  SonicVaan Sun May 17, 2015 1:49 pm

    You know, you could always start conversations with people

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Sun May 17, 2015 2:17 pm

    Yeah, I do try to start conversations with you people, but all YOU that people do is STILL keep constantly ignoring me.

    Now, I do believe this was just clarified, so there is no need for anymore explanations.

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  SonicVaan Sun May 17, 2015 3:54 pm

    Uh I think it has been several months since you last wrote me but kay
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Green Snake Tue May 19, 2015 12:56 am

    JoshDP wrote:I didn't just only mean on the forums, but on the Internet chats as well (IRC, Skype, etc...). Most of these people on this list don't want to have a conversation with me, since they just keep ignoring me nowadays.
    I dunno about Skype, but on IRC you usually say "hi" or domething, and exit in average of 5 mins. There is simply no way most of the times we could possibly see your message before you left. Afterall people often do other things while on IRC. We do check from time to time and especially if we talk with other people, but to get peoples attention is not always easy as for example on Skype. If you want to talk someone specific, it helps to mention their nick, as many clients will give more obvious alert about it.

    JoshDP wrote:Also I do believe that "not answering" to post can be a bit douchy at times, depending on how important the question is and how that person you try to talk to responds to anyone else's post but yours. It gives you the feeling that you aren't relevant to that person.
    If you talk to someone specific on the forums, sure it can be, but usually primate messages are meant for more important talks, or alternatovely instant messaging services.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Tue May 19, 2015 3:09 pm

    I don't want to sound like an asshole, much less a troll or something like that... But... Green Snake, you ARE a douche, that's a fact! Maybe some won't agree, but I personally don't want anybody else to interfere, even though I don't want to fight anymore, but Green Snake, you really piss me off!

    Everytime since we let's say, "shook hands for peace" you try to piss me off! I notice you are a total dick to people who you don't like, fine, you dislike me, and I dislike you as well, but don't be a total douchebag about it!

    I notice you also are a hypocrite, considering you criticize SSRG for bashing newbies, then you do the same! You turn a blind eye when newbies actually make something more than a palette-hack, and continue being a total douchebag!

    Get off your horse, dude! There are lot of hackers better than you!

    I don't think Electroball, SonicVaan, or anyone else here is a douche, I was just joking at first, but what I'm writing is completely off-joke.

    I don't consider myself a hacker, much less a good hacker, I know I totally suck at ASM, and I'm a shitty hacker, I admit it, that's also a fact, but I'm not going to let such hypocrites like Green Snake to criticize me, when they were actually much worse than me!

    You were a total douche about your privileged position in SGD, and you were a total dick to your people just for the sake of being a dick! You also criticize what other people like, I personally don't like porn, but, do you see me talking bullshit on those who enjoy it, like Green Snake? If I were you, Snake, I would be ashamed of myself.


    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Tue May 19, 2015 3:24 pm

    SonicVaan wrote:Uh I think it has been several months since you last wrote me but kay
    Opps, I didn't realize that. Sorry about my false accusations....

    Green Snake wrote:I dunno about Skype, but on IRC you usually say "hi" or domething, and exit in average of 5 mins. There is simply no way most of the times we could possibly see your message before you left. Afterall people often do other things while on IRC. We do check from time to time and especially if we talk with other people, but to get peoples attention is not always easy as for example on Skype. If you want to talk someone specific, it helps to mention their nick, as many clients will give more obvious alert about it.
    Oh okay, thanks for the tip.
    Green Snake
    Green Snake

    Mensagens : 2185
    Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
    Localização : I do not even know
    Current Project : nope

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Green Snake Tue May 19, 2015 5:49 pm

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:Green Snake, you ARE a douche, that's a fact! Maybe some won't agree, but I personally don't want anybody else to interfere, even though I don't want to fight anymore, but Green Snake, you really piss me off!
    thank you! I'll take that as a compliment.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:Everytime since we let's say, "shook hands for peace" you try to piss me off! I notice you are a total dick to people who you don't like, fine, you dislike me, and I dislike you as well, but don't be a total douchebag about it!
    My memory may be failing here, but we never "shook hands for peace". It was more or less that we left each other alone for quite a while. I am not really especially attacking you or anything, more just poking fun or criticizing you. And I havent been here for months, so its not even really relevant at this point.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:I notice you also are a hypocrite, considering you criticize SSRG for bashing newbies, then you do the same! You turn a blind eye when newbies actually make something more than a palette-hack, and continue being a total douchebag!

    Can you show an example (excluding these forums) of me doing this, and then we talk.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:Get off your horse, dude! There are lot of hackers better than you!
    Yes. And? It doesn't mean I am completely not notable in the scene, even that I am not 'the best'.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:I don't consider myself a hacker, much less a good hacker, I know I totally suck at ASM, and I'm a shitty hacker, I admit it, that's also a fact, but I'm not going to let such hypocrites like Green Snake to criticize me, when they were actually much worse than me!
    Wait wait wait hold on. You said you are awful hacker and can't do asm for shit. But you say I am "much worse" than you. What sense does this actually make? I did SGS4, which is full of programming and changes and was generally liked. And the new hack I am working on has some complex VDP features actually never used in a hack before to my knowledge, and multiple bosses. You claim you can do all this and yet you say you can't do asm. Please stay consistent with your story.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:You were a total douche about your privileged position in SGD, and you were a total dick to your people just for the sake of being a dick!
    You have an example of this as well? But mind you, I dont really care about SGD anymore at all, so its really irrelevant what you say about it.

    Ezequiel Matias wrote:You also criticize what other people like, I personally don't like porn, but, do you see me talking bullshit on those who enjoy it, like Green Snake? If I were you, Snake, I would be ashamed of myself.
    I would encourage you to learn to understand the difference between sarcasm, joking, and seriousness.
    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Tue May 19, 2015 7:57 pm

    Green Snake wrote:My memory may be failing here, but we never "shook hands for peace". It was more or less that we left each other alone for quite a while. I am not really especially attacking you or anything, more just poking fun or criticizing you. And I havent been here for months, so its not even really relevant at this point.

    You turn a blind eye on what you don't want to see, yes, we got to an agreement. I even remember a thread made about it. As I can see, some people don't have too much memory.

    Green Snake wrote:Can you show an example (excluding these forums) of me doing this, and then we talk.

    Well, I remember I managed to port the spindash from Sonic 2 to Sonic 1. I remember you were criticizing me for making "shitty palette-hacks" then I managed to do something more than that... AND! You continued talking purely and utter bullshit.

    Green Snake wrote:Yes. And? It doesn't mean I am completely not notable in the scene, even that I am not 'the best'.

    If you think you are notable in the scene then it would for stealing content, other than that your hack was pretty delusional and forgettable... In my opinion, you have done what already other have done, and up until the past year if my memory doesn't fails, you got to be a member in Retro, but until that nobody liked you, well, almost nobody if we count the members you had in Sonig.

    Green Snake wrote:Wait wait wait hold on. You said you are awful hacker and can't do asm for shit. But you say I am "much worse" than you. What sense does this actually make? I did SGS4, which is full of programming and changes and was generally liked. And the new hack I am working on has some complex VDP features actually never used in a hack before to my knowledge, and multiple bosses. You claim you can do all this and yet you say you can't do asm. Please stay consistent with your story.

    The same as before, you shouldn't even write the "A" letter. Remember when you stole content? Even if that's in the past, it's not like people will forget it, and I at the very least didn't use any stolen content.

    Green Snake wrote:You have an example of this as well? But mind you, I dont really care about SGD anymore at all, so its really irrelevant what you say about it.

    Well, I remember TSR made a thread complaining about SSRG if my memory doesn't fails here, then, I remember, you were bashing SSRG and its members Then when somebody made a roleplaying thread or hack you didn't like, you were a total dick about it, specially with TSR, who I personally dislike. But, supposedly, a "friend" like you, were to him should at least not throw bullshit at what he does. I also remember many people were unhappy with you, then if my memory doesn't fails again, you started acting like a childish buffon blaming SonicVaan and saying you wouldn't support SGD anymore.

    Green Snake wrote:I would encourage you to learn to understand the difference between sarcasm, joking, and seriousness.

    Coming from you it would be hard to understand that.

    Ezequiel Matias

    Mensagens : 2520
    Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  Ezequiel Matias Tue May 19, 2015 8:00 pm

    Aside from the already said, Green Snake, stop pretending you don't care for SGD, otherwise you would be on good terms with 'Vaan.

    Mensagens : 100511
    Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
    Localização : ASMTSG
    Current Project : BEING THE KING OF THE FORUM

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  SonicVaan Wed May 20, 2015 5:54 am

    SIGH guys, please calm down

    Mensagens : 1682
    Data de inscrição : 2014-10-05

    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

    Post  JoshDP Wed May 20, 2015 4:27 pm

    SonicVaan wrote:SIGH guys, please calm down
    ^ This.

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    Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site? Empty Re: Who is the biggest douche/dick/asshole of the site?

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