Which is the best free forum hosting?
5 posters
CreateAforum.com vs Forumotion vs FreeForums.org vs Iceboards vs InvisionFree
Which is the best free forum hosting?
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Total Votes: 12
Ezequiel Matias- Mensagens : 2520
Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03
hacker___- Mensagens : 1974
Data de inscrição : 2013-05-06
Localização : 41.383863, 108.866009
Current Project : Breathing nitrogen
Host it yourself, all of these forum hosts sux.Ezequiel Matias wrote:Which is the best free forum hosting?
Green Snake- Mensagens : 2185
Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
Localização : I do not even know
Current Project : nope
You could just get website hosting and put forum software to it, and you could get somewhat better hosting, still not good thought. Or host from your computer.
Ezequiel Matias- Mensagens : 2520
Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03
Yes, but most of them don't accept nulled softwares like IPB.Green Snake wrote:You could just get website hosting and put forum software to it, and you could get somewhat better hosting, still not good thought. Or host from your computer.
Green Snake- Mensagens : 2185
Data de inscrição : 2012-04-07
Localização : I do not even know
Current Project : nope
Yes they do. They cant know what is pirated and what is notEzequiel Matias wrote:Yes, but most of them don't accept nulled softwares like IPB.Green Snake wrote:You could just get website hosting and put forum software to it, and you could get somewhat better hosting, still not good thought. Or host from your computer.
SonicVaan- Mensagens : 100511
Data de inscrição : 2013-07-25
Localização : ASMTSG
If it's paid hosting, they most likely won't care, as long as they get paid monthly. Hell, even a few years ago I had some good free webhosters and had nulled forum software on it and they didn't care, so I don't know which hosting you used...
Ezequiel Matias- Mensagens : 2520
Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03
Probably you are right, however IPB like other paid softwares, has a report system, for report what is nulled, what is not nulled, and other things such as warez.Green Snake wrote:Yes they do. They cant know what is pirated and what is notEzequiel Matias wrote:Yes, but most of them don't accept nulled softwares like IPB.Green Snake wrote:You could just get website hosting and put forum software to it, and you could get somewhat better hosting, still not good thought. Or host from your computer.
Ezequiel Matias- Mensagens : 2520
Data de inscrição : 2013-01-03
Exactly, paid hosting has better services, and they accept nulled softwares, and they have unlimited CPU, which is one of the most important things. Free forum hostings like Iceboards (Icyboards) are good. I recently test it, and it is really good, I recommend it.SonicVaan wrote:If it's paid hosting, they most likely won't care, as long as they get paid monthly. Hell, even a few years ago I had some good free webhosters and had nulled forum software on it and they didn't care, so I don't know which hosting you used...
Jdpense- Mensagens : 100567
Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21
Just an annual year bump!
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