ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

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ASM to Sega Genesis Platform

All about assembly programming in the Sega Genesis console.

    You Voice Sucks


    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    You Voice Sucks Empty You Voice Sucks

    Post  Jdpense Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:07 pm

    Music composed by Elise Ecklund
    Lyrics by a bunch of envious loser haters

    Mensagens : 100567
    Data de inscrição : 2014-08-21

    You Voice Sucks Empty Re: You Voice Sucks

    Post  Jdpense Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:22 pm


    Her eyes look so blank and empty and lifeless no offense
    This is soooooo stupid no offense
    I hate her singing it's disgusting
    I hate your speaking voice so much it's really annoying
    No offense

    You voice sucks
    Your personality bothers me so much
    You are very ugly and weird your singing was awful
    You voice sucks
    You suck

    Why can't you use your talent for something helpful?
    You ugly and weird

    F you idiot

    Try singing lessons no offense
    You have the most boring voice and you cannot sing
    Great ukulele playing but girl you cannot sing
    You cannot sing(x2)
    oh no

    You voice sucks
    Your personality bothers me so much
    You are very ugly and weird your singing was awful
    You voice sucks
    You suck

    K that was kind of stupid (x4)

    uh oh uh oh no

    You voice sucks
    Your personality bothers me so much
    You are very ugly and weird your singing was awful
    You voice sucks

    You voice sucks
    Your personality bothers me so much
    You are very ugly and weird your singing was awful
    You voice sucks

    K that was kind of stupid (x4)

    You voice sucks
    You voice sucks

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 4:14 am